1. Cleaning, reshaping, and plotting BART time series data with pandas


    I recently starting collecting data from the BART API, specifically estimated time to departure for trains at the two stations I use most frequently. In this notebook I'll show how I parsed the data from a csv file, reshaped it to fit the questions at hand, and made a few plots. Download notebook ...read more

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  2. Installing python for data science

    Installing all the python libraries required for data science can be a challenge, especially on windows machine. Unfortunately the same thing that makes the libraries fast also makes them difficult to distribute to different system types. Luckily there are a few free options for getting up and running painlessly. I …

    ...read more

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  3. Get a list of all English words in python

    The nltk library for python contains a lot of useful data in addition to it's functions. One convient data set is a list of all english words, accessible like so:

    from nltk.corpus import words
    word_list = words.words()
    # prints 236736
    print len(word_list)

    You will probably first have to download …

    ...read more

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