Using topic modeling to find related blog posts

Over the weekend I got curious about how different posts in this blog were similar to each other, and thought about putting links to similar posts at the end of each article. I used the gensim python library (topic modeling for humans) to find similar articles and I wrote a plugin for pelican, the blogging software that powers this site to insert links to the most similar articles.

The latent semantic indexing model that I chose to model topics uses the same ideas I discuss in my SVD tutotial (finding similar research papers), although the input features are scaled differently and a cosine distance metric is used. Since this is a data science blog I included the score of each similar article along with the link. The source code is below, also available on github.

Pelican plugin that finds articles about similar topics
Frank Cleary - -

This plugin uses the gensim library to find articles about similar topics to
each article in the site. The most similar articles up to a given limit
(default 5, can be specified in pelican configs as MAX_RELATED_POSTS) are added
in sorted order of similarity as a list to the related_posts attribute of the
article. The article also contains a dictionary of related article similarity
scores keyed by related_article.source_path.

The gensim library requires numpy and scipy, which may be non-trivial to

Add the following (or similar) to the article template to show the results.
{% if article.related_posts %}
<h1>Related Posts</h1>
    {% for related_post in article.related_posts %}
      <li><a href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ related_post.url }}">{{ related_post.title }}</a>,
      Score: {{ '%0.3f' % article.score.get(related_post.source_path) }}</li>
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

Some parts of this implementation relating to pelican are based on:

from collections import defaultdict

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import nltk
from pelican import signals
from gensim import corpora, models, similarities

def filter_dictionary(raw_dictionary,
    """Filter raw_dictionary inplace to remove stopwords and words occurring
    less than min_count number of times.

    Will compactify the dictionary before exiting.

    :param raw_dictionary: gensim.corpora.Dictionary to filter
    :param stop_words: iterable of words to remove
    :param min_count: int minimum word count in resulting dictionary
    stop_ids = [raw_dictionary.token2id[word] for word in stop_words
                if word in raw_dictionary.token2id]
    rare_ids = [id for id, freq in raw_dictionary.dfs.iteritems()
                if freq < min_count]
    raw_dictionary.filter_tokens(stop_ids + rare_ids)

def generate_similarity_index(documents, max_posts, model=models.LsiModel):
    """Return gensim.MatrixSimilarity of text documents using the supplied

    :param documents: An iterable of documents consisting of a list of words
    :param model: gensim.models to apply
    :return: gensim.MatrixSimilary the similarity values for every document to
        every other document.
    dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(documents)
    corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(doc) for doc in documents]
    tfidf = models.tfidfmodel.TfidfModel(corpus=corpus)
    topic_model = model(tfidf[corpus], id2word=dictionary, num_topics=5)
    for topic in topic_model.print_topics():
        print '\n' + topic
    return similarities.MatrixSimilarity(topic_model[tfidf[corpus]],
                                         num_best=max_posts + 1)

def recommend_articles(articles, max_posts,
    """Return a dictionary keyed by article source_path whose values are a
    sorted (descending) list of (article.source_path, similarity_score) tuples
    for every other article.

    HTML tags are stripped.

    :param articles: articles from a pelican ArticleGenerator
    :param tokenizer: an nltk tokenizer used to split article text into words
    :return: dictionary of similarity scores of other articles to keyed article
    article_texts = [BeautifulSoup(article.content).body.get_text().lower()
                     for article in articles]
    documents = [tokenizer.tokenize(text) for text in article_texts]
    index = generate_similarity_index(documents, max_posts)
    similarity_scores = defaultdict(list)
    for article, sims in zip(articles, index):
        for id, score in sims[1:]:
                (articles[id].source_path, score)
    return similarity_scores

def add_related_posts(generator, default_max_related_posts=5):
    """Find articles related to each article in a pelican ArticleGenerator and
    add the source_paths of the related articles and their similarity scores to
    the article metadata.

    :param generator: a pelican ArticleGenerator
    :param default_max_related_posts: the default max number of most similar
     posts. This will be overridden if MAX_RELATED_POSTS is set in the pelican
     config file.
    max_posts = generator.settings.get("MAX_RELATED_POSTS",
    similarity_scores = recommend_articles(generator.articles, max_posts)
    articles_by_path = {art.source_path: art for art in generator.articles}
    for article in generator.articles:
        related_posts = similarity_scores[article.source_path]
        article.related_posts = []
        article.score = {}
        for source_path, similarity in related_posts:
            related_post = articles_by_path[source_path]
            article.score[related_post.source_path] = similarity

def register():
    """Entry point for ArticleGenerator from pelican"""

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