When joins go wrong, check data types

Writing and debugging joins can be especially difficult when dealing with data from text files. In some cases there is no resulting data, or (much harder to notice!) a few lines that should be included are dropped. Here I'll go into an example of a failed join in pandas, and how to fix it.

Consider trying to join the following two csv files on the city_id column.

$ cat city-names.csv

$ cat city-populations.csv

Loading the data

Read the data into pandas with read_csv:

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: city_names_df = pd.read_csv('city-names.csv')

In [3]: city_pop_df = pd.read_csv('city-populations.csv')

In [4]: city_names_df
   city_id   city_name
0        1      Dublin
1        2  Pleasanton
2        3    Millbrae
3        4    Richmond

In [5]: city_pop_df
   city_id  city_population
0        1            52105
1        2            74110
2        3            22424
3        4           107571
4  Unknown           116768

Attempting the join

If we attempt to join the two DataFrames on their shared columns (city_id in this case), the result is empty, although we would expect ids 1-4 to match:

In [6]: city_names_df.merge(city_pop_df)
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [city_id, city_name, city_population]
Index: []

What went wrong

What's going on? The problem is that the value "Unknown" in city-populations.csv forces that column to be parsed as string values, which then don't equate with the their matching values in city-names.csv. This can be seen by inspecting the data types of the DataFrames.

In [7]: city_names_df.dtypes
city_id       int64
city_name    object
dtype: object

In [8]: city_pop_df.dtypes
city_id            object
city_population     int64
dtype: object

Notice that the city_id column has a numeric type (int64) in one DataFrame and object in the other. Looking in more detail:

In [9]: city_names_df.ix[0, 'city_id']
Out[9]: 1

In [10]: type(city_names_df.ix[0, 'city_id'])
Out[10]: numpy.int64

In [11]: city_pop_df.ix[0, 'city_id']
Out[11]: '1'

In [12]: type(city_pop_df.ix[0, 'city_id'])
Out[12]: str

In [13]: city_names_df.ix[0, 'city_id'] == city_pop_df.ix[0, 'city_id']
Out[13]: False


Which option is best will depend on the specifics of how your data is dirty.

Option 1. Apply a parsing function to parse the data:

import numpy as np
def parse(x):
    return int(x)
except ValueError:
    return np.nan

In [14]: city_pop_df['city_id'] = city_pop_df['city_id'].apply(parse)

In [15]: city_pop_df.dtypes
city_id            float64
city_population      int64
dtype: object

In [16]: city_names_df.merge(city_pop_df)
   city_id   city_name  city_population
0        1      Dublin            52105
1        2  Pleasanton            74110
2        3    Millbrae            22424
3        4    Richmond           107571

Option 2. Search for non-number string and replace when with NaN:

In [17]: import re

In [18]: replaced_with_nan = city_pop_df['city_id'].replace(re.compile('\D+'), np.nan)

In [19]: city_pop_df['city_id'] = replaced_with_nan.astype(np.float)

In [20]: city_names_df.merge(city_pop_df)
   city_id   city_name  city_population
0        1      Dublin            52105
1        2  Pleasanton            74110
2        3    Millbrae            22424
3        4    Richmond           107571

Option 3. Make a new file with only the good rows:

$ # keep the column headers
$ head -n1 city-populations.csv > cleaned-city-populations.csv
$ grep -E '^[0-9]+,' city-populations.csv >> cleaned-city-populations.csv

Load new the file:

In [21]: clean_pop_df = pd.read_csv('cleaned-city-populations.csv')

In [22]: city_names_df.merge(clean_pop_df)
   city_id   city_name  city_population
0        1      Dublin            52105
1        2  Pleasanton            74110
2        3    Millbrae            22424
3        4    Richmond           107571

Option 4. Make a new file using csvkit

csvkit provides a familiar command line interface designed to work with csv files. The grep command in option 3 above would be difficult to change to apply to the 31st column in a 50 column wide csv file, but csvgrep allows columns to be identified by name or number.

$ csvgrep -r '[0-9]+' -c city_id city-populations.csv > cleaned-city-populations2.csv

Load the new file:

In [23]: clean_pop_df = pd.read_csv('cleaned-city-populations2.csv')

In [24]: city_names_df.merge(clean_pop_df)
   city_id   city_name  city_population
0        1      Dublin            52105
1        2  Pleasanton            74110
2        3    Millbrae            22424
3        4    Richmond           107571

A note on good data science

If you do use shell commands to alter the files, make sure you either keep the commands in a shell script file or call them directly from your python script so that your work can be exactly reproduced given the raw data. Shell commands can be called from IPython either by prefacing the line with ! or with the %%bash cell magic function.

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