Pandas 0.16.0 released

Pandas 0.16.0 was released this week. Version 0.16.0 includes a new .assign() method of DataFrames, which I'll use on some real world automobile MPG data below (data file).

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
print pd.__version__
pd.options.display.mpl_style = 'default'
In [2]:
mpg_df = pd.read_csv('data/prius_gas.csv', na_values=['NA', 'DNF'])
Date Brand City State $/Gal Odometer Gallons Miles MPG
0 2/22/2013 Texaco Mariposa CA 4.259 245 6.230 NaN NaN
1 2/24/2013 Chevron Berkeley CA 4.159 707 8.452 412 48.75
2 3/8/2013 Chevron Tahoe City CA 4.499 1028 8.137 321 39.45

The new .assign() allows for more concise code in cases of "I want to plot a computed quantity." Here I plot how many miles were remaining in each fillup, assuming the MPG held steady at the average for that tank.

In [3]:
tank_capacity = 11.9
ax = (mpg_df.assign(miles_remaining=lambda x: (tank_capacity - x['Gallons']) * x['MPG'])
            .plot(x='Date', y='miles_remaining', lw='2', legend=None))
ax.set_ylabel('Miles remaining');

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