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  1. Polar plots and shaded errors in matplotlib

    Polar graphs can be a good way to represent cyclical data, such as traffic by day of week. In this post I take stack overflow data and plot the usage of tags throughout the week. The method also adds errors to the matplotlib polar plot as a shaded region to help understand the variability in the data. The data is available here ...read more

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  2. Analyzing 10 years of digital photography with python and pandas

    I recently switched DSLR camera systems from Canon to Nikon for reasons of marital harmony. That meant choosing which Nikon lenses would replace the four Canon lenses I owned. To make an optimal decision I needed to know my historical usage, so I wrote some python to analyze image metadata from 10 years of digital photography.

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  3. Cleaning, reshaping, and plotting BART time series data with pandas


    I recently starting collecting data from the BART API, specifically estimated time to departure for trains at the two stations I use most frequently. In this notebook I'll show how I parsed the data from a csv file, reshaped it to fit the questions at hand, and made a few plots. Download notebook ...read more

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